CreatiSign Generator - V2.5

This is a tool that lets you convert images into codes that you can put into Arc Signs in the game Creativerse, free to play on Steam

Select the image you want to convert to CreatiSign code (or drag it onto the file selector), then alter the settings as you please and click the green "Execute" button at the bottom-left corner of this page.

The image will NOT be sent to any server. You can save this page on your desktop and use it offline too, if you're concerned about that :)

Only tested in Chrome, may work in other browsers.

Creatisign Generator discussion on Steam Community Forums

Input image:
select or drag the image here above
<zoffset> tag:range -8 ~ 8, measured in blocks, defaults to zero in the game when omitted and results in the graphic placed in the middle of a block space
<offset> tag:range -8 ~ 8, measured in blocks, defaults to about 0.55 in the game when omitted
<width> tag:range 0 ~ 8, amount of horizontal blocks the sign is allowed to grow before wrapping;
<size> tag:using the "Arial SDF" font a period of size 1 is about 1/100th of a block
Main spacing tweak (%):values higher than -10 start to show the spacing grid between pixels, the higher the value, the larger the horizontal spacing
Vertical spacing tweak
(% of main spacing tweak):
100 gives equal spacing in both directions, 200 doubles the vertical spacing, 50 halves it and so forth
Max decimals after tweaking: rounding for the the various numeric tags
RGB Gamma correction range 0.01 ~ 7.99, preset to 0.5 to work around the current deviation of RGB shades, set this to 1 to disable gamma correction altogether
Alpha correctionrange 0.01 ~ 7.99, preset to 1 (disabled) to let you use it only if necessary
helps reducing the code size, but can alter the colors of your image; short color codes will be used anyways if they match the long codes
necessary for large images but may blur pixel art; if you leave this off and try to convert large images your browser will likely hang or crash, you've been warned!
really need a hint on this?
Character to repeat character(s) to use to draw pixels, defaults to the period
Number of slices range 1 ~ 64; number of horizontal slices / arc signs for splitting the image and get better resolutions;
Character count limit 10K chars is the current Arc Sign textbox limit; the bugs about the character computation have been hopefully all removed so you should not need to alter this number
Sign disposition
The preview is on the right-bottom corner, hover on it to enlarge it.


Source preview
Working canvas
Results preview

Placement preview (approx)

Useful patterns

The results will vary in color and sizes / ratio depending on the image you feed to the generator, the following numbers have been found by trial and error using the "Arial SDF" font; since you can use more than one character to be repeated, in certain patterns you can simply add spaces to increase the horizontal spacing.

Simple grid

Vertical bars

Horizontal bars

Interlocked grid

Chains / door curtain

Industrial grid / fencing net

